Sunday, May 31, 2009
Living up to expectations... Whose?
Everyday we wake up and we a life. nothing special just something we've been doing since we are born isn't it?
Just that our lives are led so differently and yet the same...
We live in a society which is both cruel and kind...
We are constantly reminding ourselves to be generous...
We are constantly reminding ourselves to be selfish too...
We are constantly living up to expectations...
Yours, His, Hers, Theirs, Mine and Whose?
When will it be a day We just won't do...
There won't be a day...
There won't be a second...
Wait... there is...
When we are six feet under... in a way...
That's sad isn't it... or maybe not...
Live "LIVE" the way they, he, she, you and I want it.
Life is nothing without they, he, she, you and me...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
a prayer...
I dedicate the above video for my artiste... its light hearted, its funny, but just like me, putting words of importance with a dash of humor... this speech, as I feel has deep meaning...understand and comprehend it, XXXXXX.
Dear God,
I'm a believer. I'm not a believer in Christ, but in you, God.
You are beyond alot of things and you I believe, great.
I believe you have given me strength, guide and a path to walk on... I will still choose the path I would like to walk...
Anyway, I'm writing to you for the 1st time, after countless of prayers. This time, in writing...well... technically I'm blogging and hope you read this....hehehehe...we all have to go along with technology, right? *wink*
In this blog-prayer I seek from god, its regards with an artiste of mine, who happens to be a faithful devotee and a child of god, he believes strongly in Christ and has taken alot of time off to...well i would tease, " his conversation with god".
Why am I writing to you about him? Cos' I'm concern. Recently, due to some unfortunate and beyond our control conditions, he is to leave Singapore, and may not be coming back... well even so long term....
He's young, bright, and a good boy in a certain extend. He is too, naive, young, and still learning about the gifts and choice of life lessons.
He upset me quite a bit recently. I don't know how or where to start. I am still hurt.
In short... responsibility, in actions and words.
I don't blame him, but I am concern, as he takes off, I do understand, I won't be there...
I know I can't be there forever, I know I was only a cross path in his life, since a year back.
I know I can't do much. I know I can just forget, and he'll live... he'll survive.
I know it seems as if I feel he's ain't coming back, when the odds of him coming back is very much higher, but odds against odds, its not a confirmation.
If he does return to Singapore... then its a good thing...
I have alot of artistes leaving in and out, still in contact overseas... however should anything happen, I'm still here and they are there... there's so much I can do only... a call, a email?
Again... another, and this time is XXXXXX...
But dear god, I hope you can give him more than just a shelter, family and love, I hope you can give him strength, because... he's going to be disappointed about life, people, and etc... but just for a short while.
Let him feel the pain, but let him heal.
Let him lose, but let him earn.
Let him forget, but let him treasure.
Last for not least, let him be well, and let him live "live"...
Dear god, you know what I mean...
I thank you 1st! so it will be answered.
Thank you.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
What's so grateful about?
its not going to make you millions,
it hasn't given you world peace,
there are so much misery in the world,
it hasn't answered all your prayers and wishes.
Unfortunately this toot, is a very sorry person.
if you realise, every question...its the same answer...
MYSELF...ME, MYSELF AND I... in this context it fits perfectly.
I have make millions with the choices i make.
I will have to help to create world peace.
I will have to less ME and more we to relief misery.
I have to believe in faith and do what's good for myself so I can help others.
I'm an idealists... well... extreme to some, but I still stand my ground with practicality.
Life lessons guided us that its isn't a bed of roses...
And nothing in this world can be worst... its can be just bad... and being bad is bad enough...
I'm grateful I have this chance to meet people as such, like this toot...
Its makes me realise, things aren't that bad... and therefore I should move upwards and change for the better at a faster pace... so I can fulfil my wishes, and hopes faster too....
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Blogging with a Straight mind
I have so much in this little mind of mine, but that's might be the whole reason....
I wouldn't know what's going on up there... but I do know exactly what I'm doing...
I got so much to do and so much to give, I want it to work... for myself too... its feels and seems like it.
I must make it work for me end of the day.
Its not selfish.... its just a personal grooming thing i gotta do before i con't grooming others, which is what i want to do as well.
Be patience with me, if you think that I'm a bit slower in response, as there are tons of things running thru my mind.
Don't be shock or tease me, when you see staring into space, cos there are tons of things running thru my mind.
I can do this... i'm not stress... I AM JUST WORKING HARD, and I'm ok with far!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
This girl is just 28 yrs old!
Sitting right here...
Staring back at you...
She is just a girl
She's just 28 years old.
You heard me...JUST...
People call her Gina...or MAMA G affectionately by others...
I am not sure if you know her ?
But she is ready to know you.
Are you ready for Gina? MAMA G?
She's quite a handful... but she is GREAT...
Though she is Just 28, and just a girl...
By the way...
I AM MAMA Gina....Hello!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
With A Little Help From My Friends
Policy Forum by PAYM ( People Association Youth Movement )
Attended with my Pasir Ris Elias YEC team, It was a super insightful talk about the General Elections.
I definitely educated me quite a bit as a responsible citizen of Singapore, a place I proudly call my homeland.
Right after, we had a meeting regarding the coming Musical happening in Jul, 26th to be exact!
KEEP YOUR EYES GLUED here for more info!!
Its crunch time, though time is not our side, but I love the fact everyone is putting their mind and heart into it.
It just made alot of recalling of all my others projects and shows I've done.... the commitment and the team set together to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN...
Like the wise one says, whichever agenda you may come in for, end of the day, everyone is working towards one objective and making it happen...
I just recalled this song... and I thought its just great!
Being in UAN, YEC, and after quite a few years of CREATING...
I really understood the reason why I'm here...
B'cos I like to HELP... B'cos I'm taken into consideration.
B'cos I'm there for you and me.
B'cos I created. B'cos I can feel appreciated.
B'cos I want to be good.
B'cos I serve to be the best... putting my heart and soul into it.
B'cos I want to die trying...
Wanting to help more, is to better myself in many ways...
When I was 8, I was in my school's brownies...
I was an "elf" well its a group name...elves...
and our motto was..." think of others and not ourselves"
since then...and till now...That motto has been something I tried hard to do...
but you and I know. its close to impossible, b'cos
as human... we are selfish creatures, but the goodness of us wants to be good too....
Though I haven't achieve that motto yet...
but all the other aspects that have come across my life and currently...
To Serve...
I will proceed and continue with whatever I and others believe in what i can do best...
With a little help from friends and me vice verse!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
TEENAGE JUNE!!! Grab yours now!!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Eating the Humble Pie
The last week...
the last month...
the last year...
And this time, I reflect on times when I had to eat the humble pie....
its a familiar feeling, I'm sure you ate this pie before, maybe you are currently biting onto one.
But ain't nothing wrong to be chewing off this humble pie, its could be a wake up call, could be a time to reflect..... could be a time to test our ego as well...
If you happen to see someone eating the humble pie now, give them a helping hand. you'll never know it could be a wheel of fortune....
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
What's going on?
I'm so busy now.
NYP grad event is coming soon... so my vocal training with the students there are much more intensive...
And together with YEC... busy busy .... alot to do... CRUNCH TIME!
UAN... needless to say... alot to settle and the artistes....
My hands are filled up... but I'm so into it...
stress works... well balance too lah!
Anyway... I'm certainly in a moderate ok mood so far, i got my natural disasters too...
but relatively happier...
But putting my happiness aside, I also want people around me to work well, stay happy also...
its kinda pointless when you are the only one happy and the world isn't...
it all begins with me... and i will continue to pay it forward....
cheesy... but true and something i strongly believe... the world can be a better place because of me and i want to start something good... still trying and will perseverance...
be with me...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Everybody Someone... just a gentle reminder
This is a gentle are someone... special... someone I love...
All of you are....
I love you!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Glad Game... my KEY so far for 2009...
“I’m glad I have you as my mom."
“I’m glad the weekend is almost here."
“I’m glad I have some nice clothes to wear to school."
“I’m glad I get to watch TV when I finish my homework."
“I’m glad we have pie for dessert.”
Playing “The Glad Game” is a terrific way to change your attitude in a hurry.
We all slip into self-pity once in a while – after all, we’re only human. The important thing is to cut the pity-party short and shift into gratitude. An attitude of gratitude will get you much farther in life than complaining and self-pity. Try it and see.
The Power of Gratitude.
Dancing in the rain isn't something that most of us are born knowing how to do. We learn it. We learn it from others; we learn it from Life. The more we dance, the better we get at it. With practice, dancing in the rain becomes almost automatic. We no longer seek to run from storms...instead, we toss back our heads, throw out our arms, pick up our feet, and DANCE!

My Company is organising this amazing trip to Lang Sari AGAIN!!!
We went there last year! and trust me...ITS WAS UNFORGETABLE....
I'm not a beach person, so when we decided to a beach for a overseas trip... I was like... errmm... oh great...
Imagine, just a few of us on a resort Island... peaceful and away from everything....
Come on... join me.....please??? love you!
Travel dates
26th June 2009 Friday (departing on 25th 7pm) -
28th June 2009 Sunday (arriving on 29th 10am)
Cost ( usual cost $350 )
$330 nett/ pax - My buddies!
Closing date for booking
11th May 2009 ( extended for those register to 20th May )
Cost is inclusive of:
- All transportation
- 2 nights accommodation quad sharing
- Air conditioned room
- Hot water shower
- Bathroom attached
- Cable TV
- Welcome drink
- Meals included (buffet) = breakfasts + lunches + dinner
- Unlimited hot / cold refreshment and snacks 24hrs
- Snorkeling trip with equipment (life Jacket, Mask & Goggles)
I WANT TO GO!!! How do I make a booking?
To make enquiry or book.... CALL ME.....OR email me
So what are you waiting for? Don't miss out on all the fun!
Sign up today!! :)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Marry me....WAITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT not now!!!
I was a flirt!
I wanted to marry my dad... * he was my hero *
if otherwise...I'll settle for Kermit the frog...* I love green and I'm not into looks*
And I didn't want to get married if all else fails...
and yes... I didn't like miss piggy! hahaha
When I was 5...
I was still a flirt!
My dad was my hero still ... but I understood how wrong to say I wanted to marry him!
I still love Kermit, but I love He-man, Barbie's Ken and Any prince charming in a fairy tale.
And cos' I'm too young, I'll marry at 24 yrs....or by 24 yrs...
I was a bit weird, cos... everyone I wanted to marry wasn't real....
When I was 16...
I was shy!
I had my crushes dad's love is been my ideal kind of guy hero!
And I decided 24 was way too young and 28 yrs was alright...
I'm not weird... just a bit more realistic... and naive!
When I was 24 yrs...
I was ... a bit sian about Love...
And the idea of finding someone like my dad was an impossible task, so I kinda decided to find someone like my least half of who my dad is...
no crushes... but dates...
And I decided... I'll marry ...not...
I was busy with work.... and family was my game!
Now at 28 yrs...
I'm working, spending good quality time with family, managing a company. volunteering and believing in my self...
Loving my dad... cos he is still my ultimate hero...
No crushes... no drooling...NOT...
And I decided I'll marry... someday... not now though... maybe... before i'm 35yrs...
Why 35? I don't know... All I know now is, keep my market value as good as it gets!!
I love my life.. every bit, the good, bad and evil... and good again!
Life is about choices,... deal with it and GET THE JOB DONE!
Don't be a tuwit!
Monday, May 4, 2009
17 again... would I go back?
This is crazy... I watched 17 again... well its not technically crazy watching a movie about a super cute ang moh dude who is like way younger than me...
ok...that's crazy!
Besides the fact that Zac Efron is so cute....*dreamy daze*
Oh sorry I mean, the movie, it had more depth than I expected.. or maybe its just me!
Its about this his thirties, well he's miserable ...about his life...and constantly complaining to return to his 'glory' years... 17! And seriously believe if he made better choices then, his life would be different...
Then some magical thing happen... and he's 17....
As he recover his "glory" back and reliving his life. He chances upon alot of things regarding his family etc.....
Watch the movie....
Anyway... if one to ask me would I make the choices I did before yes... and maybe no.... but one thing for sure... I've learnt from the best... that the worst has yet to come, or already came and gone...
Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that life hasn't treat me right, or am I blaming another or the higher power above for any kind of crap I might have come across... but I'm just saying... come what may... good or bad, I just have to SUCK IT UP... and SOLVE IT and GET ON WITH IT!
That's Life...a choice... and I choose to be happy.... recession? I'm happy, I can deal with it, Sick? I'm Happy, I can get over it! Met sucky people, I'm Happy, People like them gives me more credit as a person!
I want to stay this way as long as I can... cos Its making me tick...
Oh wait... did I say Zac Efron is so soooooo CUTE?????????????
ps: I must add, please do not assume my entries, or quote whatever I say or blog out of context...Don't be stupid!