Today was a super day.... in alot of definitions...
from 11plus when to k box for vocal training with my 'kids', Rachael came along to sit... and...observe and eat and drink!
Anyway... besides that, I brought the gifts I got for the girls.... SUPER BLING BIG BAGS...
And 'I LOVE MAMA, and always thank you' TEEs for the guys!!!
A Purple Ferdaro Hat....for Terrence! SWEET!!
And brought YH's bday gift... ITS HIS BDAY TODAY!!!! WELL...YESTERDAY!
Plus a belated Bday gift from Miss Chin.....MARC JACOB rocks huh?!?!? hehehehe
Anyway... after class went to Media Fiesta's road show to see Terrence for his OKTO 'Live'! segment on TV... then went over to Sakae Sushi with Rachael and Micheal...
makan ...drink....makan...drink....
Went to help The guys to get YH a bday gift.... then met up with some my other artistes for a meeting... then... finally at midnight for home....
super tired man!!!
anyway good day....well super....
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