It was good...
I was excited... like always, whenever Rachael's THE DAY comes by, I can't help but feeling Kan Chiong...
Anyway... by now, all would have known, Rachael didn't made it thru to the next round of Campus Superstar...
She will be in the Revivals... But unfortunately, I can't be present...*tear*
On the 10th Feb, Tuesday, with news heard about Rachael competing on the 16th Feb, shocked and concerned, would she had the time, I mean she did just competed just yesterday...
Following that, its was with Ridzwan, Benita, Rachel Lim.
Immediately hit me, Oh my, battle of VOTES...
I doubt anyone really realized it, or see how intense this round would be, as everyone would be fighting for their place on the 16th...chances are tough but workable still if all stick together and Rachael stays focus and grounded.
Specially for Rachael's supporters, somewhat we did let our guard down...I won't deny that.
Rachael's score from the judges, was the lowest, personally, I don't think she did that bad, considering the fact, she was the 1st contestant and had to do a MIRACLE change between 1 commercial segment, I can see she rushed out for her performance by the time her name was announced to perform... I saw the RUSH-IN performance... not stage-ready prepared... it caused her some points. Undoubtedly, the judges didn't took the Quick change into any consideration. I don't blame them...its a competition its a performance after all....
Besides, if its not Rachael being the 1st contestant in this episode, someone else would...
Terrence from OKTO 'LIVE' came to support Rachael too! Thanks Terrence! Terrence is too a UAN Artiste.
Whichever the case, We have got no one to blame but ourselves ...FOR NOW.
I don't dawn into people, to think negative or sink into self pity...or kick up any excuse... I personally feel, THERE'S STILL HOPE... REVIVAL ROUND...
After the show, a journalist from, came by and did a interview for Rachael, and asked me for my thoughts, there was one particular question that shocked me, How much did you guys spend on votes? so is money an issue?
Not shocked by the question, but shocked to know some may compare the support for Rachael with money...
My answer...
Money?... weighting the terms of money and Rachael... I and the rest of the supporters don't think its fair to weight money with Rachael, because I want to support with my heart, because we love her... I won't give up, unless she gives up...
Right now, Rachael hasn't... why should I? I know her potential...
Just before the results show...I rallied everyone, gave them chocolates I bought, thinking the supporters did well in their cheer, brought water... then Rachael came out, coming towards me, and handed me a bouquet with a card...*crying*...I opened the card, it says simply, " Rachael loves you" with a huge red heart all hand-made...
I personally love PEACE... and I appreciate and applaud Ridzman's supporters for their generous support for Rachael too.
During the results... I suppose everyone was ready to rumble... though somewhere at the back of our heads know Rachael could be out, we still cheered all the way...
I was closed to tears, when I see and hear Rachael singing An Jing, against Rachel Lim, whom ironically got the highest judging score...
My tears just came when Rachael was announced out... I cannot help it...I was disappointed, not with Rachael, but with US...WE...
But lifting our heads high, WE can do it, then, now, forever...
Many came to me, sms(ed) me, "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine."
With these said, Mama G loves all her dearest...
I will walk hand in hand with you Rachael... would you?
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