Sorry didn't blog any time sooner, was busy running around... Went to TEENAGE today with another artiste KH for a fashion shoot, sweet!!! She's such a darling! I'll reach for more pictures of the photoshoot soon.... Its going to be out in APR 09!!
In the meantime, here's some shots of me and some artistes at the Opening of Music Garage @ Central... Oh, did I mentioned I've bumped into so many UAN Artistes there?
Artistes like Dharni, Danny, Xia Yen... if I'm not wrong, they've been an artiste of UAN for the last 4 years... and now, seeing them at the event, some have grown up and moved on well...
Like Dharni, the BEST beatboxer in Singapore and maybe Asia too... Danny, He's now a Hip Hop Dance Instructor @ Music Garage...
Brought Terrence and Rachael along, we had fun, good place, nice feel...
Thanks Jae for the invite...I hope you'll love the 2004 wine I got!!
Today went to a Budget Dialogue session with Minister Teo Chee Hean. It was informative and great, bumped into familiar faces as well.
Brought some artistes there, YH, XW, XR, GC, MH, it was a good event for me to observe them as a whole, the do's and don'ts in an informal yet serious event.
The event brought some attention about the economy issues happen around the world and most importantly, in Singapore, and how does youths in Singapore are coping, facing and of course to do to help with the crisis.
Crisis? Well... maybe not that bad... I suppose we should PREPARE for any un-expectations and WORK towards a better and brighter future.
There were a one guy posted a question between looking for work by passion and looking for work to sustain himself at the moment.
On my personal view and I agree with the Speakers views, that's BE OPEN. Obviously, I'm not asking anyone to just take up whatever is available, but BE REALISTIC, take two steps back and find out where and what do you have?
Also, taking up courses, is one thing, but there are more than just SKILL courses, or simply educational... Being an experienced working contributor the the society, You can still do what you love, but may not be you most ideal YET... but pursue in that direction, and eventually, with good faith and HARD WORK... you WILL MAKE IT...
That's my two cents worth. Plus...I must not forget, its more than just the paper and skill... its THE CHANGE IN ONE'S MINDSET AND WILLINGNESS...
Anyway, maybe this entry could be too heavy and serious... ANYWAY...
Remember I mentioned about the flowers we received from Mr.Yong H? SO SWEET... here's pictures!
Anyway... besides these... so happy to meet Rachael today with her Dad, had a good dinner, I really enjoyed the conversation we had, away from Campus Superstar fever for awhile...
Besides this, had another vocal Evaluation with YH, J and M today... hmmm didn't meet my expectations...gave them my pointers and hope they LISTEN and work on them!!!
Also, YEAH!! did a story on Campus Superstar last Monday, 16th Feb '09, and the journalist is Alcott!!! ok... He's another UAN artiste... when i knew him, and his brother... so young lor!! He's all grown up!!
Anyway... I'm preparing for an event I'm going to attend...
The Budget Dialogue with Minister Teo Chee Hean at People Association's HQ! I'm going to bring some of my artistes to attend... its going to be such an honor and pleasure, and of course a good educational experience!
Met Minister Teo a few times, most of the time, over the Community events, and I'm hosting the event. I admire him for his contributions.
So sweet, Terence wrote me another Thank you note.... He's such a charm... I feel so blessed to be appreciated by people....
Today is a busy day, so happy to see in Rachael's Fanclub blog ( having hits to 10,000 and growing despite her recent TEMP departure of Campus Superstar.
Helping her rallying people for Revival round. Beside these, busy organising for coming Sat's Live 'LIVE' auditions! quite a few send in their entrys to audition!!! so fun!
I was excited... like always, whenever Rachael's THE DAY comes by, I can't help but feeling Kan Chiong...
Anyway... by now, all would have known, Rachael didn't made it thru to the next round of Campus Superstar...
She will be in the Revivals... But unfortunately, I can't be present...*tear*
On the 10th Feb, Tuesday, with news heard about Rachael competing on the 16th Feb, shocked and concerned, would she had the time, I mean she did just competed just yesterday...
Following that, its was with Ridzwan, Benita, Rachel Lim.
Immediately hit me, Oh my, battle of VOTES...
I doubt anyone really realized it, or see how intense this round would be, as everyone would be fighting for their place on the 16th...chances are tough but workable still if all stick together and Rachael stays focus and grounded.
Specially for Rachael's supporters, somewhat we did let our guard down...I won't deny that.
Rachael's score from the judges, was the lowest, personally, I don't think she did that bad, considering the fact, she was the 1st contestant and had to do a MIRACLE change between 1 commercial segment, I can see she rushed out for her performance by the time her name was announced to perform... I saw the RUSH-IN performance... not stage-ready prepared... it caused her some points. Undoubtedly, the judges didn't took the Quick change into any consideration. I don't blame them...its a competition its a performance after all....
Besides, if its not Rachael being the 1st contestant in this episode, someone else would...
Terrence from OKTO 'LIVE' came to support Rachael too! Thanks Terrence! Terrence is too a UAN Artiste.
Whichever the case, We have got no one to blame but ourselves ...FOR NOW.
I don't dawn into people, to think negative or sink into self pity...or kick up any excuse... I personally feel, THERE'S STILL HOPE... REVIVAL ROUND...
After the show, a journalist from, came by and did a interview for Rachael, and asked me for my thoughts, there was one particular question that shocked me, How much did you guys spend on votes? so is money an issue?
Not shocked by the question, but shocked to know some may compare the support for Rachael with money...
My answer... Money?... weighting the terms of money and Rachael... I and the rest of the supporters don't think its fair to weight money with Rachael, because I want to support with my heart, because we love her... I won't give up, unless she gives up...
Right now, Rachael hasn't... why should I? I know her potential...
Just before the results show...I rallied everyone, gave them chocolates I bought, thinking the supporters did well in their cheer, brought water... then Rachael came out, coming towards me, and handed me a bouquet with a card...*crying*...I opened the card, it says simply, " Rachael loves you" with a huge red heart all hand-made...
I was surprised, and touched...I don't know what to say...THANK YOU for being you my dear.
I personally love PEACE... and I appreciate and applaudRidzman's supporters for their generous support for Rachael too.
During the results... I suppose everyone was ready to rumble... though somewhere at the back of our heads know Rachael could be out, we still cheered all the way...
I was closed to tears, when I see and hear Rachael singing An Jing, against Rachel Lim, whom ironically got the highest judging score...
My tears just came when Rachael was announced out... I cannot help it...I was disappointed, not with Rachael, but with US...WE...
But lifting our heads high, WE can do it, then, now, forever...
Many came to me, sms(ed) me, "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine." Right now, at home, I feel very sad and happy because, memories of Rachael 1st started with me....and a young shy 14 year old girl, loves to sing, all so innocent, and growing and becoming a young, pretty, lady... I hope I'm there...I'm so proud of you... With these said, Mama G loves all her dearest...
I will walk hand in hand with you Rachael... would you?
I guess I spoke too fast... I'm officially not too well...
But I have to continue ...
Had to go for YEC meeting, was there for like 3 hours plus? But the meeting was good, many exciting plans and action for the year ahead.
Right after, went to meet M at Cenileisure, had breakfast/lunch/dinner there...while waiting for Rachael and Dorothy to come, planned to go for K...
It was quite a while since i had a Leisure K-time... Its ok, was telling Rachael how crucial tomorrow's show is, Campus Superstar. And the competition is difficult in a whole different way as well...
But whatever it is, she has my blessings and I will support and help her in whichever way she needs.
After all I'm her MAMA G, and MAMA G for many others...
ok, heading to bed now, so I can be in tip-top shape tomorrow to give my all at Mediacorp for Rachael!
I did seen a few couples ... but the town and malls were definitely dominated by groupies... I meant friends in groups!!!
My artistes and myself classified soloists today as SINGLE-OUT!
No offends, I'm personally a "SINGLE-OUT" myself hahahaha... Anyway... my day started with vocal training of course, hmm... some of these students surprised me, shocked and continuous improvements i guess...
We end the class leaving me, totally SINGLE-OUT with YH, awaiting for Ms IH to arrive to meet us at Marina Sq... we chat, met, and discuss... I'm all so excited... I think It was pretty obvious, I was very excited over Rachael, you know? Hui Shi in Campus Superstar? That's right, I've been so KAN CHIONG over the last month...
I guess it my 'LAO MAO BING' My tendency to be MAMA... when it comes to artistes, and my BELIEVE in them...
Besides that, Ms XW, made reservations for 8 people. with the rest of the SINGLE-OUT gang... at Settlers' Cafe... I'm 1st time wor!!... so nice... not bad food, not bad location.... fun fun...
We were so loud!!!! but its all well I guess, we were allowed to... and we were so crazy over the table and board games.... I enjoyed today!
Tomorrow got YEC meeting to go for.... and meeting Rachael for K... nice!
My day kicked off with a wild roller coaster ride, working on so many projects and castings for some clients. Been sitting down in front of my lappy, looking at so so so so so many new faces for casting calls... and drafting up plans and events....ahhhhhh.... I SURVIVED!!!
But business is business, health is health... I gotta drink more water... feeling heaty... I can't be sick anytime soon... not feeling well creates a negative chain reaction for others....
Tomorrow... hehehe.... Crescent Girls Secondary School invited UAN to attend and judge for their annual Crez Awards. This year I'm attending it with a couple of my artistes!
Can't wait! I love attending events, big or small... they're always fun, love meeting different people and some familiar faces!
Crez Awards is a annual Talent time of Dance, Vocals and Hosting competition among the students of Crescent Girls Sec. School. I'll update more, tomorrow night!!
Oh yes! I can't wait for Sat... Valentine's day.... meeting my artistes for a "SINGLE OUT" Dinner party!!!! I miss seeing some of them....
Today is Facebook's 5th Birthday.... *Smile* They have been around, improved and growing up to be a better organization...
Personally and as a Business personnel myself, I shared and recently enjoyed UAN's 5th Anniversary, just last year...
Just not too long ago... we started up a dream, a vision, a mission:
With this vision we move on and continue to build dreams for others and ourselves.
I used Facebook's Thank you gift cards and send all my thank you whom has placed something special in my heart and been a sincere partner... as a friend and business...
I've received very sincere thank yous from some of them...
As a artiste manager and importantly as MAMA G... nothing else matters but a sincere
This me... well... me in the Zebra outfit way back in year 2000, was an aspiring artiste, participated in Channel 8 then, popular Talent competition... Gen Y... Y Ren Wang!
Ol' School man!
Some of the events I did, like the above... emceed with the Fabulous GANG!
A SEA OF RED AND WHITE....Thank you YOG Committee for the invitation!
Here's a nice shot... my Adler, now working in the Tourism Line...perfect! Remember the exciting days when Adler (UAN Artiste) in Glamour Quest, he was one of the most promising finalists, just the year before, Paige Chua was in Glamour Quest won 1st runner up! (Paige Chua is a groomed UAN Artiste currently contracted with MediaCorp)
HEYYY....Rachael...The current one that I'm so kanchiong for!
HEHEHE...I LOVE THIS PIC...I was delighted, cos, due to school work, we hardly met before... but glad we have each in our hearts!
Ahahaha... Yeo Wei Lie and Andie Chen Bang Jun ( Groomed UAN Artiste) It was just 5 yrs ago, they decided to pursue their dreams when they joined UAN
A journey of a beginning for many...
My 2nd Concert with UAN...
LIVE 'Live' need I say more?
My 3rd concert with UAN...
My dearest to my heart, The Live 'LIVE' family.
Here they are with Our President, PTGs were invited to perform for him! He even got them curry puffs and KuehKueh after their Performance!!
From left to right : Rene (NYP), Janet(UAN), UAN Artiste -Xuanwei &YitHann, Mr Nathan, Mrs Nathan, UAN Artistes - Terrence Yang, Widjaja, Dion, Xinru.
The Key Editions 'THANK YOU' party in 2008
From left: Wei Tin, Myself, Janet, Redz, Mahfuz We thank you for inviting myself and Janet, UAN appreciates!
Ahh... Launched of Velvet Dragon...with Me, Terrence and Janet!
Ai yo, this is back in Avalon, really love those days, Me and Founding Mentor, Dr William Tan.
Hehehe... HIGH STREET 5 Launch, UAN were sponsors...
Elvin Ng, myself and Jessica Liu.
Bumped in to Dawn at the sweet she still have UAN in her heart... There are still so many events and happenings... too many to feature... but the bottom of my heart....
Met up with Rachael ( Campus superstar) and her PA/"M", Dorothy today...
I printed out some posters to add into the cheer for coming Monday's episode... and she also given an autograph for her fans and another to UAN ( photo above! )...
She so so so sweet... wrote a message along with the autograph... nice!!!
MAMA G "mei you bai teng ni", at least I know our relationship is real and sincere!
Rachael, I always say... I don't have to see you everyday, but our relatinship is tight, and strong, as long we have mutual trust...
We like to thank TEENAGE for featuring us in the current issue Feb 2009!!
I had a wondrous time organising the concert and had a wonderful cast to enjoy this journey....
At the same time I want to thank the following supporters:
UAN WORLD PTE LTD ( My partners, and dearest artistes ) Terrence Yang OMGPte Ltd KEY Editions PUB Singapore -NeWater AJ Signature HAAR ATTIC School of Makeup ZA Makeup Redbull Hillier Industries Sing Wah Tong Metal Works D'AUX
We like to also thank SHOP@REDCROSS+To let Live 'Live' 2008, share the joy of giving with them!
Remember people...
Live 'LIVE' Live 'Live' - the Concert Extravagance, is organized by F.A.B.A. (For Artiste By Artiste) productions, and is jointly presented by UAN World. This is an inspiring concert which revolves around UAN Artistes beliefs and aspirations in life. With a mix cultures and genres of song and dance, they showcase 'LIVE’. The entire concert is planned, directed and written by youths like you!
I came across today, and educated me about the learning's by Confucius....
He's a sage, whom have had 3000 students.... and of which this 3000, only merely 75 reached enlightenment...
I ask myself as an Artiste Manager... whom are my "75" students in the case...
Who or How many will RISE TO THE OCCASION?
Time to Raise... At this period of uncertainty, we need to raise... we need to embrace our gifts... and have a self motivated driving force towards YOUR DREAMS
As Mama G I'll be there for you, Will you be there not just for US, but for YOURSELF?
Its been a few days since I last blogged. I have to apologies been quite tied up with stuff...
Anyway regardless to say I will update more... maybe later?
Now... I very kan chiong.... watching Campus SuperStar 2009, though its not Rachael's episode...but its a good look out whose in and out and how's the contestants are doing...
As I watched... I recalled back in 2000, I personally went thru a competition like such, Y REN WANG from Channel 8, been so long le.. almost 10 years ago...
It was exciting and stressful, slightly different from Campus SS, It tested our skills in Hosting, Vocals, Dance and DRAMA... like a mini Star Search...
My command in Mandarin isn't very good, therefore having to memorise the drama scripts, and lyrics is very very stressful....
I remembered during the auditioned, I couldn't read the hosting script provided on the spot... the producer had to read word for word as I repeat to her.... I was suprised that I manged to even go thru the next round...
Whatever it is, that show placed an impact to my passion, it let me understand why I love the line and what I do now, being an Artiste Manager...
I need to be HAPPY, i mean really, if otherwise, my life would be a haywire...and that... affects you too! I love to laugh, very funny, i dunno why i am, love to love, love to be loved by ALL... I love to create things,things to happen, and I'm hot... literally, directly, whatever makes you happy defining HOT...