Saturday, November 29, 2008
The hardest thing for me... is being mama g
Damn tiring...
Those whom has one of my few networksite profile, would know about a small trival brought up, perhaps I asked for it, being the overly concern me, ... being my alt ego, mama g, i can't help but be concern and advise... well... i suppose she don't need it...even had a sidekick to help remind me that I'm not required in her life... *lol*
I chose that path... being too sincere, being to real, being a mama... afterall I've molded myself over the years to be MAMA G to my dearest kids... my UAN Artistes...
Sometimes, people, well just like the above senario, people get suspicious when you treat them too nice... or too concern, too professional, too just... too good to be true.
I remembered I've experienced this feeling before, then I come to realise, why mama.... and why does people sometimes don't get it.... don't they understand, all i'm trying to do is be honest, and shower my concern for them?
I felt how my mum or many other parents felt... like many parents, they are at synical about my existance... who is this mama g? is she for real?
I suppose as time passed, I've managed to win or rather parents allowed me to build a relationship... in hope i can help them to advise and share with them what their child is going through...
Now, at this time, for those whom don't know who is mama g, is she some nanny? but isn't she a AM? Well, b'cos I'm mama g, I'm all rolled into one.... I'm more than a AM.... I'm a friend... I'm an nanny...
I'm MAMA G...
moving on...Today was full dress... night before...I smsed every single cast member all 27 of them...
'They say, no mountain too high, No valley too wide, Nothing is Impossible, I want to see the Possible in you tomorrow...'
I thought it must have been a kind of encouragment for them...
I knew things don't and will never go smooth.... plans always change... however which, with much preparation, certain issues can be avoidable.
Brought my concerns up for every single item...
At the finale, my dears all looked so good, I felt so proud and happy... yet... I have my disappointments...
Some gave their all, most tried, but didin't DO IT... tension? hmm...
Some of my dears seemed to have grown from 1 level to another... i never said it was always for the better...
I suppose seeing this growth and choices some of them made, led me to an understanding...
Just like a rebelious teen, they want to move away to be independant, and pursue their dreams, wants... maybe with or without me...the way they want to...
Not that they are bad.... i believe everyone is good by nature... its an ATTITUDE and GROWTH..
As mama g, like a mama... I should and will fulfill my 'duties'... and let my dears...
LIVE LIVE... independantly...
I'm glad I was part of your experience ...
Remember... Live 'Live'
Always (around) your mama g
Friday, November 28, 2008
And counting on the days
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Shopping, Singing, Being happy...
then we headed to Expo, John Little sale... saw some very good bargains, and WJJ had to intro me so many nice nice goodies...
From there, followed another artiste, LS for a photoshoot for a local magazine, so nice, nice makeup and experience for her.... the client LOVED her....
From there had to rushed to NYP to train the students there for vocals.... yes people, I do teach!!! So fun! The students were great and keen in learning! Hope they enjoyed my company... suppose they did, wanted me to visit them agian next week for their rehearsals, cos' I will be missing out their showcase on the 5th December, I will be outstation that day for another show overseas!
But they promise to send me a video... so nice of them!
From NYP... flew down to LIVE 'LIVE' rehearsal, to cheer on my artistes... I tried to fly down le, but I missed the rehearsal... but managed to see some of them and help them go thru and advise on their performance...
I'm so happy and appreciated their love for performing!!
Stayed on to see PTG's in their dance practise... they dance until so siong lah!!
JIA YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally... going home... so tired... but feels good... I love what I do...
ps: I did joined The Battle of Dynamic Duo, auditions this Sun....
Yikes, have yet to really prepare... oh well.... must prepare... practise what I preach!! I need to show my artistes this is how it should be done... hopefully I can inpire them as much they inspire me...
Anyway, thanks for voting and the encouragement! Wish me luck! By the way, my team is call 'ALMOST 10'.... that includes me and my sister....
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Battle of The Dynamic Duo..

Not sure to join this coming contest or not...
Inner voice 1 says... go ahead, good try, 8k, for mummy, your 1st time performance with your mei mei, and good to prove to many what you preach...the love to perform...
Inner voice 2 says... no...cannot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so old le, somemore you are AM... not artistes... got other artistes join... you don't want to be seen trying to steal limelight.... though you have no such intentions... pointless but its also everything in entertainment.
Ai ya... sian... hate it!
I set a poll help me choose my dearests.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Rachael Chang.... Campus Superstar 2009, top 12 female finalist!
Rachael , HAS MADE IT TO TOP 12
of Campus Superstar 2009!!!!
Support her we must!!!!
When I received the sms,'mama I'm in top 12'...I was excited with much delight... all at the same time, hope she can cope with the coming pressure!
Some of you may find her familiar, she's the girl in the NEA - Clean and Green campaign's TV AD...
Upon the day I spoke to her with her dad, she was shy, and quiet... but when she sings... I knew she had something, she just needs that extra boost of good faith in her!
I suppose its a good start for her...seeing, being in all, the definite enjoyment of limelight and showcase her passion to perform and sing...
Though we won't know how she will fare, I promised her, to stand by her in this competition... putting Live Acts on hold for her to pursue her dreams...
Blessed with talent and a great smile....
She's a girl with ambitions and drive, Doing this for herself,her dad and her late mum...
Rachael, MAMA G is always behind you!
PS: If you want to give your support to her,please let me know!
UAN World Goes Virtual!
MAMA G Says Hi!
Here's a blog I've created for me to pen down my thoughts and news....
Hopefully anyone and everyone can see this blog as our 'KEEP IN TOUCH' tool!